Domain Price Increase for .com, .net, .org and .asia renewals and registrations from 1st September 2024

We always aim to give you the best domain prices, but occasionally our partners increase their prices, which means we need to increase our prices too. To date we have always tried to absorb price increases where possible and have not increased our prices since 2015, but this time a small increase is unavoidable. Rest assured our hosting plan ... Continuare »

1 Sept 2024
Urgent Network Maintenance from Saturday 13/03/2021 16:00 UTC+7

We have been notified by our network provider of urgent network maintenance that will be carried out from 16:00 (UTC+7, Indochina time) on Saturday 13/03/2021. Unfortunately disruption is unavoidable but we hope it will be limited. This will affect customers on Cambodia Web Server 1.You may experience connectivity issues to your websites and ... Continuare »

13 Mar 2021
Planned server migration 10/06/2020 from 21:00

Planned server migration starting from 21:00 on 10/06/2020 expected to be approx 4-5 hours.

We are transferring to a new server, please be advised there will be mail delays and database freeze during this period but websites should stay online and available.

Typical customers in Southeast Asia shouldn't notice significant disruption.

10 Iun 2020
Incident Report for Cambodia Server Outage - 18-19th February 2020

In the evening of Tuesday 18th February we experienced a serious disk error on our primary Cambodia web server. This has brought the service down for an extended amount of time. We made the decision to attempt to fix and restore the disk in full rather than the quick fix option of reverting to the last full backup from 16/02. Reverting to the ... Continuare »

19 Feb 2020
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