What do the various error codes mean?

100 - Informative
-100 Continue
-101 Switching Protocols
200 - Client Request Successful
-200 OK
-201 Created
-202 Accepted
-203 Non-Authoritative Information
-204 No Content
-205 Reset Content
-206 Partial Content
300 - Client Request Redirected, further action necessary
-300 Multiple Choices
-301 Moved Permanently
-302 Moved Temporarily
-303 See Other
-304 Not Modified (this means the file was loaded from the browser cache instead of being resent by the server)
-305 Use Proxy
400 - Client Request Incomplete
-400 Bad Request
-401 Unauthorized
-402 Payment Required
-403 Forbidden
-404 Not Found 405 Method Not Allowed
-406 Not Acceptable
-407 Proxy Authentication Required
-408 Request Time-Out
-409 Conflict
-410 Gone
-411 Length Required
-412 Precondition Failed
-413 Request Entity Too Large
-414 Request-URL Too Large
-415 Unsupported Media Type
500 - Server Errors
-500 Server Error
-501 Not Implemented
-502 Bad Gateway
-503 Out of Resources
-504 Gateway Time-Out
-505 HTTP Version Not Supported
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