Reasons for CHMODing

When using UNIX systems it is sometimes necessary to change file permissions, which is done using the CHMOD command.

While we always recommend that you check your documentation, basically there are two different methods you can select from in order to CHMOD a file:

1. certain FTP clients, such as Cute FTP and WS/FTP Pro, allow CHMODing to be done directly within the FTP. In order to achieve this you need to highlight the file that you want to use and then select "change file permissions” from the command menu

  1. the second option is "manual” CHMODing. In order to achieve this you need to enter the designated CHMOD.

CHMODing files is done for a variety of reasons. You CHMOD files to mark them executable, give them write permission, restrict access to them, etc.

It is important to note that CHMODing files is going to be nearly impossible to avoid. If you are trying to run certain scripts, then this may require you to execute permission on the script itself, write permission on a directory, and read on an informational page. Here, your script should contain documentation that will inform you of the proper CHMOD procedure (if any).

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